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Endress+Hauser strengthens presence in the Middle East

New support structures ensure customer centricity and open growth opportunities

Fecha de publicación: 03.09.2020

Endress+Hauser Middle East will complement and optimize the existing sales and service structures. The reorganization is designed to ensure the Group’s sustainable success in the region. Streamlined operations will allow the creation of greater value for customers and free up capacity to develop better customer relationships. The underlying guiding principles of openness, transparency, cooperation, customer centricity and innovation are reflected in the company’s modern offices in Motor City.

New regional leadership

Effective 1 July 2020, Tariq Bakeer assumed overall responsibility for the region as Regional Managing Director of Endress+Hauser Middle East. He has been with Endress+Hauser for 14 years in various roles and looks back on a highly accomplished career. Tariq Bakeer will be supported by a regional management team committed to effectively implementing the new structures and processes.

Stronger customer focus

“We have realigned and simplified our regional organization to achieve better market focus and execution. The well-established set-up in the Middle East has been amended to increase customer proximity, ensure ongoing high quality of sales and service operations, expand all customer-focused activities and create a lean and future-oriented business,” Tariq Bakeer stated.



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