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Increased safety through 3D temperature profiling

Use in hydrotreater and isomerization units

A producer of sustainable aviation fuel and renewable diesel seeked to increase safety of seven green field catalytic bed reactors (Isomerization, Hydrotreatment, Hydrogenation, Pre-Reformer) in their plant. Overall, safety was the most important point, as the devices would be used in the reactors with hazardous media, high temperature and pressure.

3D temperature profiling in a reactor ©Endress+Hauser


  • Increased process efficiency through intelligent, 3-dimensional sensor routing

  • Less invasive solution without dedicated ring support frame

  • More efficient process flow through the catalytic beds

  • No need for disturbing additional support structures

  • Undisturbed media flow through the reactor beds

The challenge

The harsh process conditions of approximately 58 bar and 400 °C (752 °F) under which the reactors are operating, as well as the presence of corrosive chemicals such as Hydrocarbon and H2, called for a robust and long-lasting solution.

Our solution

Endress+Hauser manufactured a highly complex Temperature Engineered Solution. Special alloy material and the iTHERM TMS02 MultiSens Flex in advanced design were the perfect recipe for a long-lasting and safe solution. The customer’s material expert selected a suitable special alloy, while Endress+Hauser engineered the thermometer design. The thermometer was chosen without protecting thermowells or a guiding tube. A special MgO cable with extra thick walls is in direct contact with the process.

  • Simple products

  • Easy to select, install and operate

Excelencia técnica


  • Productos estándar

  • Seguros, resistentes y con poco mantenimiento

Excelencia técnica


  • Productos de alta gama

  • Altamente funcionales y prácticos

Excelencia técnica


  • Productos especializados

  • Diseñados para aplicaciones exigentes

Excelencia técnica



Gamas FLEX Excelencia técnica Simplicidad
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  • E
  • X

Gama Fundamental

Satisfaga sus necesidades básicas de medición

Excelencia técnica
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  • X

Gama Lean

Maneje los principales procesos fácilmente

Excelencia técnica
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  • X

Gama Extended

Optimice sus procesos con tecnologías innovadoras

Excelencia técnica
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  • E
  • X

Gama Xpert

Domine las aplicaciones más exigentes

Excelencia técnica
